The Patatas – An Education Solutions Consultancy

How to create an inclusive education? [4 minute read]

How to create an inclusive education? At the thought of an inclusive education, what came to my mind were schools that are specialised for students with special needs. An example being Singapore’s first autism-focused school, Pathlight School. However, the more I researched about inclusive education, I realised I had misunderstood the meaning of an inclusive …

Websites for Free Singaporean Educational Resources [2 minute read]

Websites for Free Singaporean Educational Resources Singapore has one of the highest literacy rates in the world, standing at 97.1% in 2020. However, a high literacy rate does not translate to equal educational opportunities or resources. Educational inequality is a topic explored in Teo Yeo Yenn’s anthology of essays that took Singapore by storm, This is what …

Opinion piece: How blockchain technology is going to change the education industry

How blockchain technology is going to change education industry Disruptive technology has become a hot topic, with the rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies. All these new inventions have one thing in common – blockchain technology. People predict that blockchain technology will change everything in our lives. Things may change from the way we …

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