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Mapping and Podcasting: Refugees' Community Solutions through Tech

In a silent corner of a refugee camp, a small speaker can be heard. The sound of familiar voices fills the air—voices sharing stories, discussing challenges, and brainstorming solutions. Nearby, a group of young people gathers around a laptop, carefully mapping infrastructures onto a map. These are the scenes of transformation led by Romeo, a dedicated community advocate who believes in the power of technology to build resilience and hope.
Through two groundbreaking initiatives— community-driven podcasting and collaborative mapping—he is helping refugees rewrite their own narratives.

Community Podcast

For years, the refugees in this camp struggled with a very critical issue: LANGUAGE. Important information wasn’t reaching the community because usual broadcasts didn’t use Juba Arabic—the dominant language the refugees use. From then, Romeo saw an opportunity to change it.
He saw the need to address critical issues, hence, he started a podcasting project— but take note: this isn’t your typical podcast. Romeo started by distributing speaker boxes and organizing listening groups, creating spaces for them to gather, listen, and act. “So they gather together on specific days and discuss about the problem that is affecting them in the community and figure out certain solutions,” Romeo explains. But Romeo didn’t stop there. He trained refugees to produce their own content, combining audio dramas, songs, and community discussions. These podcasts became a lifeline for the camp—spreading information, connecting people, and sparking hope. “We’ve trained groups to produce content that engage not just the internal camp audience but also connects with the outside world,” Romeo says.
Also, despite challenges like power shortages, the initiative thrived. People came with their SD cards to collect episodes, bringing the podcasts into their homes, allowing them to listen at their own free time. Romeo’s project didn’t just share information; it gave people the tools to solve the problems within their community.
(Podcasting, photo from LinkedIn)

The Start of Open StreetMap

Another transformation is quietly unfolding—one that promises to shape the future of the entire community. This story begins not with high-tech gadgets or grand infrastructure, but with something more humble yet deeply profound: a map.
Together with his team, Romeo is teaching refugees to use OpenStreetMap, a free and open mapping tool, to document their environment. For a community where even the most basic resources, like water points, are not marked on a map, this work is nothing short of groundbreaking. “You can use this to be able to determine how to solve problems in this community,” Romeo says, as he explains how mapping data can bring about real, tangible change. By marking the locations of water points and other vital infrastructure, the refugees are not just recording their surroundings—they are taking control.
But there is more to this project than just mapping the physical landscape. Through this process, something else begins to happen—something unexpected but deeply meaningful. In a region like South Sudan, where tribal divisions run deep and often shape daily life, the simple act of mapping is serving as a bridge between communities. “It’s not like a platform that is going to make people talk, but it could be a platform that will give people to discover the need that they should start talking,” Romeo shares. By contributing landmarks and mapping vital resources, each tribal group is not only participating in a shared task, but also gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for one another. What began as a way to document the physical world is slowly transforming into a tool for fostering unity and collaboration, as people from different backgrounds come together for a common cause.

Impact of Open Source

At the core of Romeo’s vision are open-source tools—platforms like OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia that put the power of knowledge directly into the hands of communities. These tools are not just technologies to him; they are lifelines—lifelines that enable people to solve problems, share wisdom, and connect with one another in ways that were once unimaginable.
These are so community demanding because they really are community-centered,” Romeo explains. For Romeo, these tools represent more than just a way to map physical resources or share information. They represent the possibility of a future where communities are empowered to solve their own challenges, using their own knowledge and creativity.
Romeo dreams of a world where open-source platforms evolve to meet even bigger challenges—where they continue to empower people to connect, learn, and grow. In his mind, the future is not just about building technology; it’s about building community. And it’s these open tools that can unlock the potential for innovation and positive change in every corner of the globe especially those that lacks access.
(Community Repair Cafe by Platform Africa, photo from LinkedIn)

How We Can Help

But dreams, no matter how powerful, need support to become a reality. Romeo knows that projects like his need more than just enthusiasm; they need training, resources, and funding to continue and expand. “If you have experience teaching or have materials such as books and laptops, then that assistance would be greatly appreciated,” Romeo urges . He knows that the future of these communities depends not only on the tools they have but on the knowledge and resources they are given. It is not just about offering charity— it’s about offering opportunity, so that those who have the potential to lead and innovate can do so.

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